I know, my only friend I know you´re eager to lay me to sleep With a hot kiss to my brow We´ve gone so log together You and I Walking hand in hand Casting aside and down All who opposed us All those miles, those days ago We´ve been like one As now we stand, cornered at the end Man-made machine Or machine-made man I wonder who´s to tell Haunted by untimely love On the run together Under rainy weather Or dry throats filled with dust There´s no way out, no turning back Tormented life, the highway ends here They have far more fire in their hands than me They also have those turning lights Driving me mad But they don´t have the guts No, babe, they don´t have The strong heart They don´t have you, pretty girl With your ivory hips And your kisses of fire Finally, you must take care of me As only you know, lay me to sleep The bloody wedding of lead and flesh In a blazing embrace That hurts to the bone.