got a message from the razor's edge tried to read it standing on the ledge might be easier to fall instead you're looking down from a breathless height count the stories, contemplate the flight 'cause black turns grey and grey turns white turns white shield your vision from the deadly light feel you're falling much to your delight will it last forever well it might if only the rain would hold itself dead still and in a moment I'm certain that it will yes I'm quite sure that it will it will it will it will it will it will will turn white got a message from the razors edge if only the rain would just hold itself dead still and in a moment I'm certain that it will yes I'm quite sure that it will it will it will it will it will it will will turn white got a message from the razor's edge tried to read it standing on the ledge might be easier to fall instead you're looking down from a breathless height count the stories, contemplate the flight 'cause black turns grey and grey turns white turns white white white white grey turns white grey turns white grey turns white