[Jenny] Trust me girl, every time the T comes to Anaconda, Montana They be hookin' up with a bitch Aight, Last time I was on the tour bus, they treated me like straight up lunch meat in a twiztid sandwich I never had my box rocked like that before. Let me tell you something, they put it down Oh I know all these people, hold on, lets go up to the bus... [Security] Hey bitch, you gotta go! [Jenny] What? No, I'm here to see Jamie and Paul... [Security] You cant be standing here. [Jenny] they said tha.... [Security] I don't give a fuck what they said, You gotta go... [Jenny] Well fuck you then... [Security] No, fuck you and that fat bitch you're with... [Jenny] Fuck this, girl let's go..I'ma go try and find a man