I dreamt that I screwed every stupid actress in la I dreamt that I was holding them and told them it'd be okay It's not easy being famous anyways So famous people say 'Cause everyone that you meet just wants to screw you And you can't complain And it's a shame, she'd be a queen back in Rhode Island Now she waits in line with the other sad clichés And besides, she's really not so sexy and wild That was just the part she had to play I dreamt that I saved every stupid actress in la And every aging waitress who gave it up And had to change back her name They floated out of every coke-fueled party Every over-priced café But that was just some dream I had And when I woke up nothing changed Even though she don't have grace like Greta Garbo Even though she don't have eyes like Clara Bow That leather glove could pluck you from the huddled mass tomorrow And toss you through a gilded puff of smoke I dreamt that I was every stupid actress in la I dreamt it that you meant it when you said that You would come and see my play You sat there and you watched me And you thought it was pretty good for a pretty face And wondered if I had a soul to sell Would it get bought, or just thrown away? The statue of infamy, it gazes down in silence From its perch up there in the Hollywood Hills Give me your crazy and your desperate and your beautiful, but inspired I'll give them glamour, give them thrills And to me there's nothing sad about a dream She screamed as she swan dove from a pearly-white h Those nobodies back home, they only dream while they're asleep Not you and me babe we keep ours through the day