Wave, grow, spray, blow, grey sail I come from continents, in searching I mariner A sea beckons, a taunting wind in cyclonic spin Wrath of ocean open Wave, rogue, spray, grow, grey sail I come from continents, insolent I mariner With prowling prow and viscous scowl Sail into the heart of an immense darkness Deliver us from the lightning Infernally doomed Anticipating the storm Infinite cycle, forever changing form Sail on The sea rises in huge darkened mountains And your will and your body exposed And call out darkened sun, weathered one, come take me now! Feel its presence, the calling Unstable-minded and forever going Madness, the false giver of hope, slowly sets in Cheers to ye, the sweet memory of a final thalassocracy Through fog came, soaring Great sea bird, burdensome Now hung around my neck Albatross As sea rises in huge darkened mountains And your will and your body exposed And call out darkened sun, weathered one, come take me now! Steep slope, leads to foundations that lay bare A hammering sea that cripples Sharp peaks, rise further than the troughs fall below it Sea is mine She is mine Further sink down Forgotten, drowned Forgotten