Those who can fly: Scream into airy whips Embrace and forever crave Beating wings retire tired legs Those of infant wing unresolved: You fly with audacity and eagle grin A raptor tears through worried skies Feared king of the scape The clouds and stars you'll own Your blue-black throne It happened again The thing that artists seek and know was birthed in weak-willed blood Trapped ability, a miscarriage to would-be gods who bleed out their chance in hell There is deficient distribution Tipped, hard scale In the 'have' versus the 'want' and the 'do' Tipped hard, hard scale Those who can sing: Blister listener ears loud and drown the arias of golden choruses, a thousand pieces Hoarse angels, by your sonnance, shriek boorishly It happened again Chameleon changed disguise again and wriggled away so suddenly, who is to blame? Abandoner, inherent by birth? Or by hopeful, blind naivety, abandonees? Sing up to shake worlds With lungs that hold the sky Don't let deterring forces gnarl and brood Robbing us and you Us and you A throat does dry Still, mute, dead We mourn the tragic disposal, a gift at impossible odds Left is brazen, wolfish, hunger here Kill! But now the pain of draining debts unpaid still Severance, letting lives grow crooked and free like branches on the sunless tree Time will...