I've got an ice cream cone, I'm going to fill it up All the way to the bottom. Chocolate, strawberry, maybe vanilla With sprinkles if I've got 'em. 1 Scoop 2 scoop 3 scoop 4 If the cone was bigger then I'd have more. It's cold and sweet and such a treat I want to live on Ice Cream Street. If you're walking into the forest You can only walk halfway in, Cause if you take just one more step You'll be walking out again. 1 Step 2 step 3 step 4 If I lived here I'd live outdoors. It's cool and green and I can't see The forest for the trees. Fill it up all the way to the bottom. I'm not ashamed oh and I'm not too proud. Half remembered, yeah well it's half forgotten, Halfway in is halfway out. Seems like some things used to be big Back when I was smaller. Some things change by staying the same Every day I get a little taller. 1 Inch 2 inch 3 inch 4 I'm farther and farther away from the floor. Up to the bottom and down to the top I keep growing till I stop. Fill it up all the way to the bottom. I'm not ashamed oh and I'm not too proud. Half remembered, oh well it's half forgotten, Halfway in is halfway out.