1. Hi, hi hi Hazel, nice to see you in the neighbourhood, looking good, hi hi Hazel, when I saw you go walking by, closed my eyes, I said, now that girl takes some beatin`, get a load of those fancy clothes now, won`t ask her, who she`s meetin`. 2. Hi Hi, Hi Hi Hazel, I`d say you won`t be short of the dime, big time, hi hi Hazel, mind, you`re lookin` different class, what a gas, don`t seems so long ago I knew ya, you were just a little kid then, won`t ask what happened to ya. Hi, hi hi Hazel ,great to see you back home. don`t seems so long ago I knew ya, you were just a little kid then, won`t asked what happened to ya. Hi hi, hi hi Hazel, great to see you make good, mm, always knew that you would.