


Tom: E

B                            E 
  Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba bum 
E                             B 
Apparently, they have the technology 
B                 E     E7 
To fix, the ozone hole 
All you have to do,  
   E                              A 
Is shut down every factory in the world 
    E    B                  E           B 
And that,  is too much of a sacrifice 
Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba bum 
E                             B 
Apparently, they have the technology 
B                               E       E7 
To make, a man or woman able to fly 
All you have to do,  
             E                                         A 
Is have your arms cut off and surgically replaced with wings 
    E    B                  E           B 
And that,  is too much of a sacrifice 
Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba bum 
E                             B 
Apparently, they have the technology 
B                           E 
To track, any stolen mobile pho_______ne 
All you have to do,  
                E                                         A 
Is to get the police to go out and arrest everyone with a stolen mobile phone 
    E    B                  E (let ring)  B (let ring) 
And that,  is too much of a sacrifice 
 E (let ing)                  B (let ring) 
Apparently, they had the technology 
   B (let ring)        ELet ring)   E7 (let ring) 
To fix, the millenium bug 
               A (LR)   E (let ring)                  A (let ring) 
All you had to do, was sit on your arse and do fuck all 
    E    B                   E          B E 
But that,  was too much of a sacrifice