
Blood League


A crying eagle is crossing above - the clouds are drifting by 
fast and rough. 
You always ignored - the hidden omens - like a flash it brings 
a sudden clearness. 

Only a fool disobeys 

From time immemorial the same spirit leads our clan 
flows the same blood in our veins 
The bound is even stronger as all iron chains - 
an eagle cries - wisdom obtained. 

Overtaken by emotion - the call of the ancient union 
the mighty blood league 

I ever can trust - I never have lost 

Sharpened my sword - slipping my mail 
painting my face - follow my heart. 
The great spirit - opened my mind - I hear the trees' whisper 
learned to speak the tongue of the signs. 

Fast as the wind I rush - can't await to stand at your side 
The thunder rides with us - the blood league did us unite. 

Can I bear the burder? Awake in a dream? Lost in a maze? 
Will follow my visions. Needs nothing to explain. 

Fast as the wind I rush - can't await to stand at your side 
The thunder rides with us - the blood league did us unite