
Wolfwood Theme


Tom: D

|                                                      |
|   Wolfwood theme                                     |
|     Tsuneo Imahori                                   |
|                                                      |
|                                  _            _      |
|                                 / \          / \     |
|                                /            /        |
|                             /\/          /\/         |
|                             \            \           |
|                          i/\/     g    /\/           |
|                         r/g      i u  /              |
|                        t/  u nt r   n/               |
|                         r g      i u                 |
|                          i        g                  |
|                                                      |
|                                                      |

The title is actually,"Rakuen (Paradise)".

Even though I found the name someware else,
thanks to: "Hawk127" for the correct song name.

Tabbed by:

A little more than a year ago did a tab of this song the first
time. But, after checking back a year a later I saw the
comment of A certain ">>wolfwood->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->
Tuning: Dsus4

Standard Tuning             Dsus4 Tuning

E|----|            D|----|
B|----|            A|----|
G|----|                     G|----|
D|----|                     D|----|
A|----|                     A|----|
E|----|        D|----|

                    string down one whole note,
                    from standard, for Dsus4

Finger picking required but, it's easy.

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