
The Wicked Wheel (Rage On)


Guard your patch, crave their ground
The lines I traced are before your yes
To tempt you, to divide you
To shake the rust from the old art

Then truce came and I laughed hard
At words that won't soothe your angry mind
Your fate is to be drawn in
My game board's set and awaiting

Mutual curse, war cry, both heralds slain
I can't help but taste this day of chaos

Rage on, rage on
That the wicked wheel needs turning
Rage on, rage on
State you greatness
Rage on, rage on
That you think history will enshrine
One whole page for you

This lad will die so lonely
When greed turns man to dust so soon
His name won't be remembered
Carved on a stone that's to erode

Your great deeds make fine seeds
They lie beneath and are all alike
To please me, to release me
The wheel prepares for a new turn

Your guts and little glory
Are spread like compost in your last breath
You glimpsed me, when you realized
That no one's sorry for your death

But I did give meaning to your days
Then you might just thank me for such service

Rage on, rage on
That the wicked wheel needs turning
Rage on, rage on
State you greatness
Rage on, rage on
That you think history will enshrine
One whole page for you