Give me all or none, baby Back at square one again In the midnite sun with you I wanna a hole in one again Your smoking gun begins We're one on one today It's just begun again Don't make me run away Do you get that feeling, like you're poppin at the seams When you know what it is and this feeling really means So you turn the corner, like you're never comin back When you think of love, all you do is laugh C'mon, c'mon, c'mon Make it fun again Get me up, instead of going down the drain You'll find me, like a needle in the hey If you just believe Now there's someone waitin in the corner of your eye But I know there's no angels fallin from the sky Cause I know that no one could ever be that way Times have changed and I know it will never be the same C'mon, c'mon, c'mon Make it fun again Get me up, instead of going down the drain You'll find me, like a needle in the hey If you just believe Just believe, trust in me, just believe, trust in me If you just believe and trust in me, if you just Believe, just believe So one day when we've made it, finally by my side We'll trip the nights fantastic, come out the other side Together with ourselves, I'll never let anyone divide us I'll keep on looking for that, until the day I die C'mon, c'mon, c'mon Make it fun again Get me up, instead of going down the drain You'll find me, like a needle in the hey If you just believe Gimme all you got baby You've got a spot for me You can take a shot with me If I let you I'm down with you Is this a long shot Believe it or not I wanna be with you C'mon, c'mon, c'mon Make it fun again Get me up, instead of going down the drain You'll find me, like a needle in the hey If you just believe