
Slide Show


Tom: G

no começo o violão entra com os acordes G C D só que o baixo do próprio violão faz 


 Faça isso durante a primeira parte da música, sempre que ela for tocada

     G                C
 Today is the day
      D               G         C    D
 For dancing and for singing
      G                  C
 The birds on the trees
      D                 G        C     D 
 And all the bells are ringing

     G                 C
 The sun in the sky
    D                   G             C    D
 Is bright as bright as second light
                    Em               C
 Is bright oh god I hope I´m alright
 Cause I gonna cry

 Em               G
 Hold on, Hold on
 Em                   G
 Slow dowm, Slow down
 Em                  G
 You´re out of touch
 Out of touch

                       G      D
 Cause there is no desing for life 
                    C             D 
 There´s no devil´s haircut in my mind
                G             B7
 There is not a wonderwall to climb
    Em          C
 Or step around

                G                  B7
 But there is a slide show and it´s so slow
 Em                  C
 Flashing through my mind
 G                 D
 Today was the day
 But only for the first time

 SOLO - fique fazendo Em e G igual na parte "Hold on, Hold on..." e no final D

                   G          D
 Cause there is no desing for life
                    C               D
 There´s no devil´s haircut in your mind
                G             B7
 There is not a worderwall to climb 
    Em          C
 Or step around

                G                  B7
 And there is a slide show and it´s so slow
 Em                   C
 Flashing trough your mind
 G                D
 Today is the day
                  C          D
 But only for the first time
                     C         D
 I hope it´s not the last time 
          G( fica em G e vai diminuindo até acabar)