Beauty is her name, And she don't even see He covers her eyes, to what she needs She'll never even know real love from a boy Her hearts on the line her tears are on the floor Now she's lonely talking to his voicemail "Just called to say hello, Babe please pick up the phone" All the other girls and she's not the only one that he's with "Your probably busy babe but, I love you anyway" You deserve so much better Ha ha ha ha ha ha Show you everything he's not Ha ha ha ha ha ha Cause he don't treat you right Ha ha ha ha ha ha Cause all that lying, it's just got to stop babe Headed For a heartbreak Selfish is his name and he's cold as can be If he doesn't want her, then why won't he leave? He only wants to get as many as he can To him it's just a game, to bad he's just a man Selfish is his name and he's cold as can be If he doesn't want her, then why won't he leave? He only wants to get as many as he can To him it's just a game, to bad he's just a man He's not even trying to check his voice mail "You better call me back, just wanderin' where you at" He's at home and with some other female "Know you ain't well but call me when you're feeling better" You deserve so much better Ha ha ha ha ha ha Show you everything he's not Ha ha ha ha ha ha Cause he don't treat you right Ha ha ha ha ha ha Cause all that lying, it's just got to stop babe Headed For a heartbreak You deserve so much better Ha ha ha ha ha ha Show you everything he's not Ha ha ha ha ha ha Cause he don't treat you right Ha ha ha ha ha ha Cause all that lying, it's just got to stop babe Headed For a heartbreak