I come alive within the stench of darkness After darkness, she touches the Earth I prey for them, the beautiful The pretentious ones who do not see The taste of power that lingers on my tongue Beauty presents itself before me And beauty shall experience all of my pleasures Sexual distortion muddle with her childlike cries The bleeding amazes the black in these eyes The way your blue eyes still dance upon me The way the tear trickles down your face A love from beauty I'll never find When contempt in my eyes is strickened blind When love is suffered at the edge of the blade Suffer all the you can Bleed unto me Taste what I am Fortunate you are not Bleed unto me As I relish in your skin When the razor meets flesh you are caught I taste the salt that dances on your skin Before it ends it will surely begin again Chance to live is as thin as thread When all that's life soon enough is dead Before it ends it will surely begin again Again snd Again Don t look at me with those mirror I cant see inside what you think I am The monster I am