
Paradoxical Sleep


How could you think I would never find out?
This is the biggest mistake you have ever made
Lock your doors and pray I never find you
You created the problem, now finish what you started
See what you’ve done now? You have brought out the monster
My true form has surfaced once again
I gave you only one chance to prove yourself loyal to me

I always knew this would happen, how many times can you
Make the same mistake? It just never ends
You always falter. When will you wake up?
You will never learn living your life constantly blind

This is how I always will be, change will never come
The past is haunting, grip is failing, I’ve become so bitter
To the very end. I chose my steps wisely, you should have done the same

You cannot escape the past. It has stained your every move
Crumble down to your knees and understand you won’t be saved
I called this from the start, everything is starting to slip away
From those hands. It’s too late to turn over another new leaf