spider dropping down in my eyes towards my crown if it would have been a sunday I would have let you live I would have watched you build your web your silky sieve, spider bathing in the evening so glad that I am alone so glad that I don't get lonely with my memories of stone remembering is enough for me now I can sit still peacefully quiet room this afternoon tea and bread a floating head the cats are asleep and the willows they weep sitting on the moon with you your on the other side it's okay you're over there you know I like you, you know that I still care you know I still care even though you're over there back in the room the cobwebs have turned black I am more bitter now than peaceful writhing and going nowhere I cannot escape the dirt, black cobwebs and the stains on my shirts maybe someday maybe someday I will be okay maybe someday maybe someday I will be okay if it was a sunday I would have let you live, spider dropping and floating down in my eyes and towards my crown if it would have been a sunday I would have let you live I would have watched you build your web your silky sieve maybe someday I'll be okay maybe someday I'll be okay oh, yes, someday