Fare thee well Enniskillen, fare thee well for a while And all around the borders of Erin's green isle And when the war is over we'll return in full bloom And we'll all welcome home the Enniskillen Dragoons A beautiful damsel of fame and renown A gentleman's daughter from Monaghan town As she drove by the barracks this beautiful maid Stood up in her coach to see Dragoons on parade Fare thee well Enniskillen, fare thee well for a while And all around the borders of Erin's green isle And when the war is over we'll return in full bloom And we'll all welcome home the Enniskillen Dragoons They were all dressed out like gentlemen's sons Their fine shining sabres and their carbine guns Their silver mounted pistols, she observed them full soon Because she loved an Enniskillen Dragoon Fare thee well Enniskillen, fare thee well for a while And all around the borders of Erin's green isle And when the war is over we'll return in full bloom And we'll all welcome home the Enniskillen Dragoons Flora dear Flora your pardon I crave It's now and forever that I'll be your slave Your parents have insulted both morn, night and noon Because you would wed an Enniskillen Dragoon Fare thee well Enniskillen, fare thee well for a while And all around the borders of Erin's green isle And when the war is over we'll return in full bloom And we'll all welcome home the Enniskillen Dragoons Willie dearest Willie don't heed what they say For children their parents are bound to obey But when the war is over they'll all change their tune And you'll roll me in your arms by the light of the moon Fare thee well Enniskillen, fare thee well for a while And all around the borders of Erin's green isle And when the war is over we'll return in full bloom And we'll all welcome home the Enniskillen Dragoons