He was a rich man, he was a sod Income tax thief known as ken dodd Lock him up dump doddy in the nick A greedy pig with a tickling stick Not content in the super tax bracket 1/2 a mill in the pocket of his jacket He climbed up stairs to hide away the bread 1/2 a million smackers under ken's bed. Oo oo oo he dodged the inland revenue A liverpudlian with loads o' loot He didn't declare it, he didn't give a hoot! Chorus: Ken ken, who's he again? A dissapointment to the diddymen Ken ken, had the upper hand Now he'll never expand on his 500 grand Ken ken, had a load o' cash Till the cops copt ken in notty hash. The cops here ken's cash was kept Doddy then had to confess The dosh was under his mattress Ooo... chorus...(guitar bit)