
Microscopic View Of A Telescopic Realm


Tom: B

Words and Music by Ted Kirkpatrick
Transcribed by Frank Springman Feb. 1-21, 2006

What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits 
his soul?  Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?
- Matthew 16:26

Guitar tuned down to D (2 frets), all strings same amount.

h = Hammer-On
p = Pull-Off
~ = Vibrato via fret fingers
br = Bend and release
b4r = Finger on 4th fret, bend string 1/2 step, strike then release
1/2 step = 1 fret?s worth of tone  
---16b--(18)-- = while fretted on 16th fret, pluck, then bend 1-step up 
      and pluck again

^bh = Bend and hold until: br = Bend-release
\ = Slide down, / = Slide up
17x = silence string immediately after pluck
x9 = palm muted but fretted at 9th fret
gliss pick = palm-muted notes

   x12   x12   x12   x12   x12   x12   x12   x12

Intro version-1
play 2x            play 2x            play 2x           play 2x

2nd guitar joins first..
play 2x            play 2x            play 2x           play 2x

Intro version-2
play 2x       play 2x       play 2x       play 2x

2nd guitar joins first..
play 2x       play 2x       play 2x       play 2x

   x12   x12   x12   x12   x12   x12   x12   x12








(2:19) Play 8X

(2:48) Play 4X

Solo (3:31)





(3:54)  slow part                                     Play twice



(5:48) Ending

|---------------------------------------------9--bang this---------------9\-|
|--10---------9-------------------------------9-----chord around---------9\-|
|---------------------------------------------7----------a bit!!!--------7\-|
                              JESUS IS LORD !!!