Red Dragon rising stands guard at the gates Enthroned in a palace of crystals The lies that are buried where the road never ends At the beginning of time He who is to come again is the Keeper of the Way Eyes of the Sphynx are the wings of tomorrow Ride the wings of the future Ride The wings of tomorrouw Keep your heads low in case the sky should fall on our heads Tower of death hovers ahead, over yonder Who will be the one to avenge the name When we have to descend into Hades Death in Hell is resurrection unto life And frozen in time we are waiting Doors of time are opening in the gloom of the day Chained to the aeons the Angel is trying to break free And what were you doing with the Guardian of the Grail? Riding the waves of time? Ride the wings of the future Ride the wings of tomorrow Keep your heads low in case the sky should fall on our heads Tower of death hovers ahead, over yonder Who will be the one to avenge the name We will have to descend into Hades Death in Hell is resurrection unto life And frozen in time we are waiting Let me be the One to avenge the name When we have to descend into Hades Death in Hell for resurrection unto life And frozen in time we are waiting