Rio, common day, another goddamn day A delinquent hijacks a bus What should have been just a mere routine Turns out to be horror on TV Negotiations pass the hours While police surround the scene With a stupid tactless strategy Fear inside, there's no place to hide One's nightmare becomes our tragedy His mother, dead, stabbed in the back Revenge and grief in his head Living in the streets sniffing glue and cocaine Using amphetamines and smoking crack Terror that comes in the night Killing all his friends Once again he's in hell on earth Now in the bus victims are crying for God That gunman needs to be neutralized Living among thieves, drugs and prostitutes A son of poverty A survivor of a terrible crime The Candelaria's tragedy Ladies and gentlemen welcome to our freak show Look at this crazy man, high and out of control Hostages under his gun There's no place to run A number you'll never ignore 174 "This is for real, the demon wants blood Everyone will fucking die, I'm driven by demons" I don't understand, he was given a bad end Dead in the police car Killed another victim, they also took a woman Shot by the same police, it is fucking bizarre Three bullets killed that teacher Live on TV for thousands to see Disasteress police action, thoughtless unplanned Now a question inside, is justice really blind? [ chorus ] There's no place to hide from this sick war Fucking sick war At war