Big Pile of Scum, a bleeding Cancer Growth Marching together for something they don´t know! Your Razorskin, your fucking Bullshit- Talk Last Thing we need here, it makes us run Amok! The hidden Leaders, who pull the Strings Legal Operations under their Wings.... They shall remain - If we don´ face the Truth with open Eyes They shall remain - If we don´t stand together side by side They shall remain - If we don´t Mind the Danger, are you blind? They will remain....Forever Provoking Anger, you challenge every thinking One Brainless Ideas, your Third Reich is gone! Spread Auschwitz Lies, you´ll never close our Eyes Don´t feel no Pity to crush you in the Night! The hidden Leaders, who pull the Strings Legal Operations under their Wings.... Chorus Like repeating History Like unstoppable Disease We shall regret, never forget Always Mind the Danger! Chorus ...They will Remain! ...They shall Remain!