Tom: G Intro = G D C G G D G Verse 1 G Jimmy Bean was a funny lookin' fellah A If he had another mouth he'd look much sweller D But the "race" queered him from winning a beauty show G It was like a steamboat funnel A Or a railway arch or the Blackwall Tunnel D When you can't see Jim when he opens his mouth you'll know D And as poor Jim goes walkin' about D D7 You can hear the kids all 'ollerin' out Chorus G What a mouth what a mouth what a north and south D G Blimey what a mouth he's got A Now when he was a baby well oh Gawd luv 'er D His poor old muvver used to feed him with a shovel G D What a gap poor chap he's never been known to laugh G D C G C D G If he did it's a penny to a quid that his face would fall in 'alf G D C G G D G Verse 2 G Mouth so large oh Lord oh lummey A He can whisper in his own ear ain't it funny D And to quench his thirst now he's gotta take a drink o' mine G He got so drunk one foggy morn A He lay in the road and started to yawn D And a poor old man was delivering coals close by D And as he went to shoot the load D D7 He saw Jim's mouth out in the road Chorus G What a mouth what a mouth what a north and south D G Blimey what a mouth he's got A Now the poor old man bein' a short sighted fellah D When he saw Jim's mouth he took it for the cellar G D And he shot the lot right into his mouth no joke G D C G C D G Jim poor soul's got a tummy full of coal and he 'corfs' up lumps of coke G D C G G D G Repeat Chorus G What a mouth what a mouth what a north and south D G Blimey what a mouth he's got A Now the poor old man bein' a short sighted fellah D When he saw Jim's mouth he took it for the cellar G D And he shot the lot right into his mouth no joke G D C G C D G Jim poor soul's got a tummy full of coal and he 'corfs' up lumps of coke G D C G G D G