Tommy Johnson

Canned Heat Blues

Tommy Johnson

Tom: D

Cryin', canned, canned heat, mama
Cryin', sure Lord, killin' me
D       G
Cryin', canned heat, mama
G                   D
Sho', Lord, killin' me
D    A7
Take alcorub to
G                           D
Take these canned heat blues

[Verse 2]
Cryin' mama, mama mama
D                          D7
Know canned heat killin' me
D7     G           G7
Cryin' mama, mama, mama
G7     G                      D
Cryin' canned heat is killin' me
D           A7
Canned heat don't kill me
A7      D      G7          D
Cryin', babe I never would die

[Verse 3]
I woked up a-this mo'nin
D    D7
With canned heat on my mind
Woke just this mo'nin'
G                     D
Canned heat was on my mind
D     A7
Woke up this mo'nin
A7       G
With the canned heat, Lord
G     D
On my mind

[Verse 4]
Cried, Lord
Lord, I wonder
Canned heat, Lord, killing me
D      G
Think alcorub is
G                D
Tearing apart my soul
D              A7
Because brown-skin woman
A7           D G  D
Don't do the easy roll

[Verse 5]
I woke up, a-this mo'nin'
D                             D7
Cryin', canned heat 'round my bed
D7     G            G7
Cryin' run in here, somebody
G                      D
Take these canned heat blues
Run here, somebody
A7      D
An take these canned heat blues.

[Verse 6]
Cryin', mama, mama, mama
Cryin', canned heat killin' me
D     G  G7
Plead to my soul, Lord
G                    D
They gon' kill me dead.