When I tied a ribbon on myself and tried smiling I felt that I couldve become a transformed me Until I met you, Id forgotten That a little courage would become self-confidence All girls can become invincible They know a special magic Its show time! Make my Heart pound, I want my heart to race at all times Ill show you all faces of me, so- More more honestly, I want to send My overflowing feelings to you So accept then my sweet heart Because certainly itll be a dazzling tomorrow When I embrace a bouquet of light So that Ill reach my great ideals Ill make the wings of my heart flap All girls will be beautiful When they meet their precious person Its show time! Im looking forward to the careful beginning I want to search for the unknown you, more- Forever ever near you, I want to dream together with you If we held hands together Itd be mysterious, change my mind Its show time! Make my Heart pound, I want my heart to race at all times Ill show you all faces of me, so- More more honestly, I want to send My overflowing feelings to you So accept then my sweet heart