I am longing to be with you And to see your face Sit with me by the sea and we'll forget everything Everything that should not be Everything that should not be, we'll forget them Your fear of your failures reminds me of my own and it scares me This place that we've made that we call our own is home These towers stand high, the stones in the walls are strong We sit on a cloud in the sky away from all our troubles when I am with you Break these chains Feel and grow Precious keepsake, that I call home Stay with me in our sky away from our fears I remember fading in and out of sleep, I reached out to touch your face There were bright and stark differences in the senses and the colors Light poured in through the door, illuminating qualities of your visage Gentle, so gentle, it reminded me to be gentle for you always We build our castles in the air Brick by brick, fortify this stronghold Throw your fears into the sky Replace pain with our home