Stopped at the lights in my car, Untz Untz Untz Untz I heard that sound from afar; Untz Untz Untz Untz In the Commodore next to me, Untz Untz Untz Untz Three young kids. Chorus: All the Wogboys' cars go - Untz Untz Untz Untz All the nip kids' cars go - Untz Untz Untz Untz All the techheads' cars go - Untz Untz Untz Untz All the world is going - Untz Untz Untz Untz Hundred and fifty B.P.M. - Untz Untz Untz Untz And loud enough to deafen them. Untz Untz Untz Untz Baseball caps; Adidas - Untz Untz Untz Untz The complete outfit. Just before the lights changed Untz Untz Untz Untz They saw me looking at them strange. Untz Untz Untz Untz Get fucked' they mouthed, fingers up. Untz Untz Untz Untz. You gotta laugh.