
Tale Of Two Faeces


One day fine, passing together along the same sewage line, two little faeces met.
Said the first, as they moved towards their destination, "How do you poo?" Replied the second, with no further ado, "I'm well thank poo, wearing dark brown today, but pardon if I say you look in bad shape." 
"Yes", replied the first, "My boss ate liverwurst, and it's been hard holding things together."
And so on they conversed, sport, politics and the weather, while all the time avoiding topics of the end. The final stop a few minutes away, the two faeces now with little left to say, pondered on their own thoughts. The kids and the wife, their own brief life, all but a flash in the pan. They hit the wired grill, like cattle to the slaughter. Soon to be evaporated and distilled, transformed back into water.