From the beginning, Scripture tells the story of the restoration of the children of God Let's get in it Dude, please turn the page Adam was a human son of God it says in Luke 3:38 He was made in His likeness, created as righteous As God's son, he knew His embrace and His brightness But Adam's sin so exiled from His presence Plus his sin now has defiled his descendents So Israel was God's son, out of Egypt I called you And so were the kings of Judah, read it in Psalm 2 But they all were exiled for their wicked grievous sins Disqualified from sons by their disobedience But we're all God's children often they echo But by nature we're children of wrath, our father's the devil And he wanted our death like we're his abortions Cut off from the Father, spiritual orphans No rights as sons, any righteous? None The Father's only pleased with what Christ has done Oh, what great love is this That the Father gave his obedient Son to take the punishment? For the sons of disobedience So our new status as sons is won, he gives us Jesus's See what kind of love that the Father's given us So we live it up as sons with privileges See what kind of love that the Father's given us We've been forgiven much so our life, we give it up Christ was baptized then you hear the Father speak this This is my Son in whom I'm well pleased with His words were certain, was born of a virgin He surely was perfect, yeah the worthiest servant The Son was with the Father in eternity past He perfectly grasped His role as Son You can check His purpose and path Was intimate with the Father, he worshiped and fast All of His day he always obeyed Honest like Abe, we deserved to be smashed He was offering praise but then He fervently asked For the cup to pass but the Father was turning His back He was cursed on behalf of us so we wouldn't burn in the chaff Yet He averted His wrath and Satan the serpent was smashed Now I can go to the Father and make my fears known Jesus is God's Son, not Nasir Jones My Lord is blood-dripped and it poured abundant His work on the cross is surely what secures our sonship Oh, what great love is this That the Father gave his obedient Son to take the punishment? For the sons of disobedience So our new status as sons is won, he gives us Jesus's See what kind of love that the Father's given us So we live it up as sons with privileges See what kind of love that the Father's given us We've been forgiven much so our life, we give it up My thoughts are wild, yeah they're rotten, foul I know my sins list long but Christ tossed the files By faith in Him, I'm an adopted child Plus thanks to Him, I always have the Father's smile Christ pleased the Father, he is the Potter The sonship includes the ladies because she's His daughter He is so mighty, I seem so tiny But His Word says I am an heir, no Nike The fullness of the kingdom that He's building abroad Is for the freedom of the glory of the children of God Raised up in the glorified bodies He bought them Sons of God in the fullness of adoption We'll praise the Father for His works, believer In the New Earth, the Son will be our worship leader Towards His children, yo He'll never have disgust Cause His love for His Son is the love He has for us Oh, what great love is this That the Father gave his obedient Son to take the punishment? For the sons of disobedience So our new status as sons is won, he gives us Jesus's See what kind of love that the Father's given us So we live it up as sons with privileges See what kind of love that the Father's given us We've been forgiven much so our life, we give it up Say Abba (Abba!) Father (Father!) Daddy (Daddy!) Gladly (Gladly!) Yeah so bangin' because God the Son became the perfect human son of God that Adam and then Israel were supposed to be. And through His death and resurrection, He qualifies us to be sons and daughters of the Father and He's given us the Spirit of adoption to know the Father's love and be conformed into the image of the Son Yo, that's rowdy! Praise the Father!