My name is Solomon, I'm King of Israel I say this hollering, this thing is critical Before me lived my father David and Saul But my enormous kingdom was honored greatest of all The Scriptures define me as the richest and wisest Compared to others, my kingdom's the widest Consider my wisdom, 'cause I wrote some Proverbs Which was breathed by the Lord, I'm quotin' God's Word Now as an old man, looking back on my years Here's what I've learned, now I ask you to hear I seek laughter and pleasure and cash as my treasure As if its happiness was lasting forever But I had to have better, I seek convenient leisure My wisdom and riches impressed the Queen of Sheba But then I realized that my time had an end And all of it was vanity and striving after wind The world would honor this and think I've conquered it Now check out all of my accomplishments I built houses for myself Planted vineyards, gardens, and parks, I had bountiful wealth All kinds of fruit trees, tall vines, and spruce leaves Married foreign women, all fine with beauty Made ponds of water to irrigate my forest So many attractions, it'd irritate a tourist I'd fiend for merchandise, keep me splurging Donald Trump and Bill Gates would be my servants Sheeps and herds and flocks and gold and silver I drank the finest wine to (?) my liver I had singers and slaves, every abundant prize Not to mention, I had 700 wives Son, I conquered tribes, drunk the bombest wine And sex servants - 300 concubines Whatever my eyes desired, no refusing them Besides, I was Sire over Jerusalem But did this satisfy? I'm so glad you're askin' 'Cause all of this brought no satisfaction Take it from a king's son who had a big sum It brings none satisfaction with its income See, sensuous women with plentiness And many gifts in the end is only bringing emptiness Vanity of vanities, all is vanity What does man gain by his work under the Sun? Vanity of vanities, all is vanity A generation goes and a generation comes Vanity of vanities, all is vanity Whatever has been done is what will be done Vanity of vanities, all is vanity There's nothing new under the Sun Check it Then it occurred to me, every person on earth around Will eventually return to the dirt and ground Do consider this The one who spent his life in school dies just like the fool who's illiterate See the president or the homeless man Or drug dealer or entrepreneur who owns the land Or the wisest of men or guys who rhyme with the pen 'Cause of Adam's sin, we'll all die in the end Compared to God, man's just a mere breath The moment we're born, we're already near death Surely, we certainly depart like wind But God's put eternity in the hearts of men So we know there's life after hearin' of this proof So kids, remember God and fear Him in your youth However, since I traveled the weathered ends Of this cursed earth, there's not one person who never sins And 'cause the sentence against an evil deed Doesn't come right away, then we proceed To fiend in greed and spend our life astray From Him who lights the day and feeds our needs So I grieve for humanity whose deeds are a vanity The hearts of men are full of evil insanity And the world's pleasures, they're lies in a delusion So listen closely to my final conclusion Fear God and keep His commandments Believe in Jesus, our ransom, please understand this God will bring every act into judgement He demands perfection, but we lack in substance We're trapped from the start of life And the only thing that can fill the gap in your heart is Christ This rich wisdom, the simple can afford Take it from the one who built the temple of the Lord Vanity of vanities, all is vanity God will bring every single act into judgment Vanity of vanities, all is vanity He demands perfection, but we lack in substance Vanity of vanities, all is vanity So fear God and keep His commandments Vanity of vanities, all is vanity Please understand, believe in Jesus, our ransom