It was 1987 when I first saw it's light This heaven sent technology changed things overnight I boxed up all the hymnals for the future had come Behold the over-head projector To run the new projector seemed like only a dream Until the pastor said, "This might just be your new ministry" I prayed for seven weeks, then got a word from the Lord "Work Ye the o-ver-head projector!" It is my lifelong call To put the words on the wall I am the certified director of the overhead projector You'll never take this job from me Well I could've played the keytar, roto-toms, or the bass But I was called to the projector, at a very young age My gifting isn't music but I'm still in the band I rock the overhead projector Without my see-through pages, they'd be lost all the time They'd be mumbling incoherently to "Shine Jesus Shine" Worship can't begin unless I'm up on that stage Me and my overhead projector "I've got some news" said the pastor "That the board voted in" "We're replacing your position with a new IBM” “We sold that ol' projector to the church down the street And you'll need to turn in your transparencies" Well those awful words, hit me straight in my chest Could this be a joke? could this be in jest? "You can have them" I said Then a long silence lingered "When you pry them yourself from my cold, dead, fingers"