That's a mighty strange bark Two parts hound and one part billygoat And a funny way of asking favors Flat on your back minutes before you pass out The devil in your eye, in fact he's taken over inside He's gonna ride you your whole life Though I love you I just don't like you tonight Fire on your tongue, sparks of hate and fear of everyone Still you play the party clown, kicking all of us idiots around We've seen this night before, you're falling in then out the door It's not funny anymore Though we need you we just don't want you tonight I don't want to be the things you sometimes call me Everybody has their blind side Though my friend I don't know salt from dirt I just know you're in hell on earth You slept through the afternoon Now the sirens are bringing you back to The same questions every time The same answers, same lies Straight through the black cloud skies Though she loves you she just don't want you tonight I don't want to be the things you sometimes call me Everybody has their blind side Though my friend I don't know salt from dirt I just know you're in hell on earth Hell on earth Hell hell hell on earth Hell on earth Tell me to go Just tell me to go to hell