can't find an open door Recall what I was looking for Waste from haste we fail to see Stop to think reluctantly Now? When? Here? Then? Demoralized, compromised Check integrity at the door Cutting throats, dashing hopes Face down upon the floor Our goal, to be the best To find a way to belong Help the ones who need To mold their destiny But good intentions don't always Work the way they should Some end up harming more Than doing any good We can't take all the blame For everything gone wrong When will others have the right To find a way with their own insight? What? When? If? Then? Bottom lines with token fines Slim chance to get caught Example set by hedging bets Means to and end are bought Our goal, to be the best To find a way to belong To help the ones who need To mold their destiny But good intentions don't always Work the way they should Some end up harming more Than doing any good Our goal, to be the best To find a way to belong To help the ones who need To mold their destiny But good intentions don't always Work the way they should Some end up harming more Than doing any good