Tiger Army

Prelude Signal Return

Tiger Army

Tom: C

Track 1 off the album "Music From Regions Beyond"

Standard Tuning


|---------------|>> Repeat once.

3rd time

4th and final time

Phrase 1


Repeat Phrase 1 in a fast, punklike matter twice.

|--9-9--9--9--10-10-10-10--7-7-7-7--9-10-10-9--|>>Repeat once more, and end
|--7-7--7--7--8--8--8--8---5-5-5-5--7--7--7-7--|  on first chord with a
|--0-0--0--0------------------------0--0--0-0--|  slight echo.
                                                  Hotprowl begins

Tab by Brian Will (BWill20)
Any questions or comments, email me at *
Never Die!