Behold the thousand eyes staring Pale and grim Tied with the devils snare Black - shining So lacking in human warmth Dim and distant Dead chained shell Blessing grotesque I'll be your monument of death Bear me on to destruction Place me on the throne of nausea Enthrone me with death And I'll be your poisonous soil Dead chained shell Blessing grotesque I'll be your monument of death Brimful of malevolence Malicious lurks from inside Its yearning call pierce me Causing such furtile pain All fenced in, enshrouded in dark The cage in which I shelter Renewal of life - of an abhorrent kind Unleashing of beast Redemptor - unchain I'll be your pestilence upon whoremaster - man Behold the thousand eyes staring Pale and grim Tied with the devils snare Black - shining So lacking in human warmth Dim and distant Renewal of life - of an abhorrent kind Unleashing of beast Redemptor - unchain I'll be your pestilence upon whoremaster – man