Orison for the baneful serpent Zahhāk, the heretical inciter Damavand emits the unhallowed Gales brighter Inquisitor of Asha, perdition nexion for empyrean blaze Within thee, the apocryphal spirits of Angra Mainyu gaze Awes fountain, numinous with the flame of Sama Atar Angra Mainyu, Ahriman, Exu Sigils singe in thy heir's blood To quench the nimbus of repugnant mud Primeval dusks avow thy divine breaths Solace of physical deaths Nox Profunda Unblemished Druj emanantes Within you to muster Azhi Dahaka serpents for Enlightenment reverent Ensorcelled by malignity The vessels of demise Daevas exaltation Nekyia, the antistellar Dissevaerance transmits Conflagration luminescence For necromancer's rapture Zahhāk, Bēvar-Asp, Azhi Dahāka From the four corners of Uranus Thy blood has been shed Nether bequest thou bled Unrestraint you repose until Karshasp's downfall Will be reclaimed