Tom: E Standard tuning This song is good, but the tabs may be a bit off. However, this should be enough to get you started Schimiz Intro: (there are 2 guitars, but this is the lead) e--0--0--0--2--0h2- e--1-- b--0--0--0--3--3--- Repeat this 3 b--1-- g--2--4--6--2--2--- times, then g--2-- d--4--4--4--0--0--- end of this chord d--3-- a------------------ a----- e------------------ e----- Verse: I want to take the bullet... e--0--2--0--2- --2--0--2--1-- b--2--2--2--3- --2--0--3--3-- g--2--3--2--2- --3--1--2--2-- d--2--4--2---- --4--2-------- a-----4------- --4--2-------- e------------- --2--0-------- Interlude: e--0--0--- -0--0--- b--1--0h1- -1--0h1- play these 2 riffs g--2--2--- -2--2--- 2 times d--2--2--- 2 times -3--3--- 2 times a--0--0--- -0--0--- e--0--0--- -0--0--- e--0----0------0----0------0----0-----1--1------ b--1------1----1------1----1------1---1----1---- g--2--------2--2--------2--2--------2-2------2-- d--2--2--------3--3--------2--2-------3-3-----3- a--0-----------0----------------------0--------- e--0-----------0----------------------0--------- e--0--1--0--2--3 b--1--1--1--3--3 g--2--2--2--2--0 then back to the first 2 riffs of d--2--3--2--0--0 the interlude until.... a--0--0--0--0--2 e--0--0--0--0--3 e--0--1--0--1-- b--1--1--1--1-- g--0--2--0--2-- d--2--3--2--3-- a--3--0--3--0-- e--0--0--0--0-- e--0----0------0----0------0----0------2--3-- b--1------1----1------1----1------1----3--3-- g--2--------2--2--------2--2--------2--2--0-- d--2--2--------3--3--------2--2--------0--0-- a--0-----------0-----------------------0--2-- e--0-----------0-----------------------0--3-- Finale e--0--3--1--1-- b--1--3--1--3-- g--2--0--2--2-- there are some variations with the d--2--0--3--0-- strumming at the end, so just listen a--0--2--3--0-- and fill in where you need to e--0--3--1--0-- Like I said, this song was not easy to tab out, and I'm sure there will need to be some corrections, but as it is now, it sounds pretty close. If you have any changes, email me at * and let me know. If not, enjoy! Schimiz