Someone told him he could see the future From this moment to the end If he found a place from where to view it With a heart to comprehend But every time he tries, it feels about as wise As jumping into space Held down by a force He knows he has no access to that place A filter he can't erase Yet he doesn't see the harm in knowing All the things he has in store Curiosity now overflowing Off he sets to find the door And everything he knew and everything he thought Were ripples on the tide For right out of the blue He came upon the doorway open wide So softly he stepped inside It was a long enthralling night Fascination filled his sight As he gazed on all that's still to come Many things should not be seen Unless they choose to be Or you find the place to view them from And now his eyes were open wide How he cried at all the pain How he glowed at his success He watched his life unfolding How he hid from all the shame How he laughed when he was blessed His lows and highs beholding But now he knew too much The man who saw through time So happy with his lot He relaxed and soon forgot All the struggles that would take him there Now the future that he saw Was darker than before So he went and found the door again And now his eyes were open wide How he cried at all he saw How he grieved for his success He watched his life unfolding Now his life brought only shame Now unsure if he was blessed More lows than highs beholding For now he knew too much The man who saw through time All the things he thought he'd done All the things he would become All the things he dreamt and loved Were ripples on the tide All the things he thought he'd done All the things he would become All the things he dreamt and loved Were ripples on the tide Back at home he made a bold decision Working harder than before To obliterate that second vision And find the other one he saw And every time it hurt or felt a little worse The more he fought the tide So maybe he'll fulfill Greater stories still The man who saw through time