Hands up, hands up all the boys in the red house they're all having good clean fun Join the boys in the red house, red house. The boy with the animal need the mate that he joined a simple novel develops in a few seconds so that there's time for others and you can kiss she can undress imagine it, it's three of us… Hands up, hands up all the boys in the red house they're all having good clean fun Join the boys in the red house, red house. The girl with the animal need she wants us to join 'cause a simple lover just stops in a few quarters so that there's time for others and you can kiss she can undress imagine it with three of us and you can kiss she can undress imagine it, we're making it we're three of us and you can kiss she can undress imagine it, we're making it it's three of us and you will kiss she's done undressing we're making it it's three of us Hands up, hands up all the boys in the red house they're all having good clean fun Join the boys in the red house, red house. red house… Join the boys in the red house towards a place that you've never seen before...