(2001) How can we express our pain? In the street was killed a young man Another blood in vain... Hungry child has frozen to death Unnatural mother in alcoholic trance And you say: "live & procreate!" I wonder where we tend Mediaeval laws in this civilized land Where bigotry is stronger than faith Wake up, folks, before it's too late Son of her deals in white shit But evil the man wearing black Messenger of god (how amusing you are...) Go to hell now! New inquisition or mental disease Prepare the stake for me The sign of the cross and nothing besides Our future will be the past If you aren't guilty then throw a stone at first See these people, demented race All means to live dedicate to sacred case In a quest for the better place at end Essence of life is this canting "catholand" They are first in the house of pray Killing themselves everyday Messenger of god (how amusing you are...) Go to hell now! New inquisition or mental disease Prepare the stake for me The sign of the cross and nothing besides Our future will be the past If you aren't guilty then throw a stone at first