Emancipate the forever enslaved Devouring sources of dismay Consuming the not consumable Controlling the uncontrollable This solitude arose to abdicate Lords of a distant world evoked within Dethrone the kings of Old Enthrone the extract of sins so cold -Chorus: Forge the sins sublime The sins sublime Foul soils ignite transcendent abnormities Conjured, employed by mad beliefs Foul soils ignite grim lying deceit Insubstantial concise; ignorant disease For belief, just for belief... -Repeat Chorus. Vague cries of dark distant times... Arose for abdication dissolved Dethrone kings of Old It's my time... -the extract of sins so cold I devour what thou can't digest Turn soils sour, thy orders infest Holy father moan & confess Preached totems; convalescence in death Behold the forge of sins sublime Of sins sublime - the sins so vile