Third Eye Blind

God Of Wine

Third Eye Blind

Tom: A

Tuning Low To High: DADEAD

I'm pretty sure this is how it's played. I've always played it like this
and not had any complaints.

Intro Riff (clean)

The second time, the underlined part is replaced with:

Once you get to the verses, it's much more open and ringy, so I do this:

Verse (clean)

Next comes the Pre-Chorus, and you should let it ring a bit:
(br = bend and release)
Pre-Chorus (distortion)
^--- repeat this ------^    -------------------------------------> here

Then comes the Chorus:

Chorus (distortion) (I can't keep it all together...)

Chorus Part 2 (distortion) (Siren's song that is...)

The first hammer part is this I believe:

Then towards the end (memory of a window...)

then there are some harmonics at the very end after(all alone, on your face...)

(* = harmonic)
      *     *     *     *

And then the end hammers are just a repeat of this:

The second guitar should mimic these pull-offs at the end, put stop after about
two, while using a wah, and let feedback come through. Then alter the sound of
the feedback with the wah. This is what i do to acheive that sharp pitched noise
at the end of the song.

Sorry, I know the tab is a little cramped. Please rate this and give comments.
I'd like to see how accurate other people think that it is.

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