ALIVE! Make me feel alive! Ignore what you believe! With no time to lose! Make me feel alive! Ignore what you believe! With no time to lose! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! MOTHER FUCKER WAKE UP! Never look back! Never lose another day! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! Never turn back! Never let this go away! Regret and Hatred Is this; is this how you want to live? Regret and Hatred Is this; is this how you want to live your life? WAKE UP! WAKE UP! MOTHER FUCKER WAKE UP! Never look back! Never lose another day! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! Never turn back! Never let this go away! Reach out, Taste the freedom! Open your eyes! There's only one chance! So let's make this right! This hourglass is at its tipping point! Just a moment! Just a lifetime! Wake up! Is this how you want to live your life? Shake it all off, walk through this Nothing to lose, breathe out, and soak it all in! With no regrets, you've wasted enough days! Tonight you change your old and tired ways! TONIGHT YOU CHANGE! TONIGHT WE LIVE! TONIGHT WE LIVE! TONIGHT WE LIVE!