


Slithering from the south 
Like venomous snake 
Carrying poison to our pagan lands 
A herald of a degenerate faith 

The runes are carved, 
The swords are sharpened 
We are eager to spill your blood 
The runes are carved, 
The swords are sharpened 
Under the cloak of night we'll come 

"Pater noster, qui es in caelis, 
Sanctificetur nomen tuum. 
Adventat regnun tuum. 
Fiat voluntas tua. 
Sicut in caelo et in terra." 

"We oppose the rule of your god, 
We tread upon the cross of slavery, 
We rejoice when your temples burn; 
Eternally we hail the one-eyes god" 

Sent by the greed of Clotaire 
To deceive the pagans of Ghent 
Using trickery and foul deceit 
To lure them into spiritual slavery 

The runes are carved, 
The swords are sharpened 
We are eager to spill your blood 
The runes are carved, 
The swords are sharpened 
Under the cloak of night we'll come 

Smash down our holy idols 
Cut down our sacred oaks 
The voice of our gods sounds eternally 
Destined to outlive your poor wretched lies