Tom: E From the Album THELI Version 2.1 - 1997 Transcribed by: RICHARD BROADHEAD II() For Questions, Comments, Corrections, or Newest Version; please contact Rich Broadhead at Check Out My Web Page, With More Transcriptions On It: Join the death/black tab mailing list by emailing ~ - vibrato / - slide up to note h - hammer on \ - slide down to note p - pull off bhr- bend string half step and release . - palm mute bf - bend string full step ph - pinched harmonic " - tremolo note * was kind enough to let me copy a couple riffs of this song to make a partial version for you. To have the full version, you must get CHAOS THEORY magazine. To order CHAOS THEORY magazine, simply go to http://* written what time the riffs are played in the song. For example, Riff A starts at 0:00 seconds into the song, and ends 16 seconds into the song. Riff B starts 16 seconds into the song and ends at 44 seconds into the song. These Times are approximate, since some CD Players are a couple seconds faster then others. 0:00