
To Mega Therion


Tom: E

                         From the Album THELI
                             Version 2.1 - 1997

Transcribed by: RICHARD BROADHEAD II()
For Questions, Comments, Corrections, or Newest Version; 
               please contact Rich Broadhead at 

Check Out My Web Page, With More Transcriptions On It:

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~  - vibrato                     /  - slide up to note
h  - hammer on                   \  - slide down to note
p  - pull off                    bhr- bend string half step and release
.  - palm mute                   bf - bend string full step
ph - pinched harmonic            "  - tremolo note

* was kind enough to let me copy a couple riffs of this song
 to make a partial version for you.  To have the full version, you must
 get CHAOS THEORY magazine.  To order CHAOS THEORY magazine, simply go to

        written what time the riffs are played in the song.  For example,
        Riff A starts at 0:00 seconds into the song, and ends 16 seconds
        into the song.  Riff B starts 16 seconds into the song and ends
        at 44 seconds into the song. These Times are approximate, since
        some CD Players are a couple seconds faster then others.
