Thenha Collins

Mental Health

Thenha Collins

I will name people who are good for me well
My mental health

Mother, thank you for the strength you gave me
Thank you for your advice
I miss your lap lap
Love you

Dear sister, sorry for my bummer
Sorry for my jealousy
Thanks for the games
Thank you being with me always
Good of bad time
I love you all

Know that they are good for my mental health
Mental health, mental health

Dad, I lived ten beautiful years by your side
Thank you for teching me how to read
Thank you for always being close
You never really left
I still love you

Lady and cabeyo, thanks for being these friends
Thank you for the moments
My bests, girls I love you

Fifth Boss, I just have to thank, I love you

Know that they are good for my mental health
Mental health, mental health

Thank you so much my fans
Because they are wonderful people
I love you all too and so much

Know that they are good for my mental health