Have you ever heard the murderous screams Like something from your darkest dreams Or seen the red eyes that shine thru the night Or the long white hands prepare the dark rite Nothing can explain its drive to kill In the stolid night nothing seems real No one that's seen it has lived to tell Of the creature that's come from hell CREATURE, CREATURE, CREATURE Barren and desolate the nights are stark Only a fool dares venture after dark Those of who do soon face its glare Afterwards, noises incoherent fill the air It can happen on any darkened night When there's not even a hope of light The screams of the slain will often be heard Testifying another killing has occured CREATURE, CREATURE, CREATURE The night is its kingdom and death is its lord Those of who enter have their bodies gored One upon another the corpses pile up The blood used to fill its sacrificial cup Do you ever hear on the darkest nights The murderous screams of the sacrificial rites Or see the red eyes that glow thru the mist How could such a creature come to exist CREATURE, CREATURE, CREATURE