Uttermost hostile, it is where you will ever be Conflict and betrayal, you godamn liar Define your existence in one single word Puppet of men, in the hands of a genius Of men we are, wolves we would be The species of the weak Itching the world like a festering rash A never ending walk, so long, yet redeeming No harm done, but still to come Hey fucker, what about the fucking respect ? You got a serious defect ? Of men we are, wolves we would be The species of the weak Itching the world like a festering rash No point to seek A stairway to the bottom of lies and pitty A bottle full of straight cut neglect I never want to know your name Get sucked up by a fucking sect Of men we are, wolves we would be The species of the weak Itching the world like a festering rash Words of nothing, put your money Where your mouth is I long for a spiritual winter Let it all remain in hibernation Decades of wrath - no gods, no cure This is what as asked for, what we prayed for No reason to stragger it It's a pile full of shit